
Mostrando las entradas de enero 28, 2019


Art presentations 1st ESO 2018/19 Each group is made up of two  students : one from group D and one from E. Presentations must be prepared in the Computer Lab . Each group is in charge of one artwork. Preparation's time will be one session (50 minutes) on Thursday, 31st of January . After that session Each student is going to finish the preparation at home . Presentation time: the presentation must last between 2 and 4 minutes . The presentations must follow the guide provided below: CLICK HERE TO GET THE GUIDE TO DEVELOP THE PRESENTATION Schedule -  presentation day GROUP E -  Friday, February 22nd - 6th period-  Group’s classroom GROUP D -  Tuesday, February  26th - 3rd period-  Group’s classroom GROUPS LA GIOCONDA (LEONARDO DA VINCI) THIAGO (D) LOLA AMIGO (E) GUERNICA (PABLO PICASSO) DANIEL FRAGA (D) AINHOA CANCELA (E) FUSILAMIENTOS DEL 3 DE MAYO SARA DOCAMPO NOELIA CASTRO THE SCREAM (E MUNCH) LOLA COLLAZO (